Rink Rabbit

/riNGk ˈrabət/
noun: figure skater who dedicates countless hours at the rink perfecting their craft.

Our Story

As college athletes, Peter and Ali Hauck built strong opinions on what makes for good gear. So when it occurred to them that no one was making high quality equipment for figure skating athletes, they decided to do something about it. With Ali's nearly two decades of experience as a competitive figure skater and coach and Peter's background in entrepreneurship, launching Rink Rabbit seemed like the an obvious choice.

Today, the couple is working to grow Rink Rabbit's reach and reputation—cementing the brand as the most trusted name in figure skating equipment and accessories. If you have an idea for better built or better designed figure skating equipment, they want to hear it.

Our story
Our mission

Our Mission

Figure skating is a demanding sport—both physically and mentally. To achieve greatness, skaters must possess real passion and spend countless hours at the rink honing their skills and testing their grit. At Rink Rabbit, we strive to create equipment that makes your time at the rink as efficient and effective as possible.


We know you have what it takes, and we want to help you Jump Ahead.

Our Values

Be the Best

We believe that competition brings out the best in everyone. Just like the skaters we serve, we want to be better than the competition—and we are always looking to improve.

Build it Better

Figure skating is a demanding sport. We aim to provide skaters with thoughtfully designed, high-performance gear that matches the expectations that they set for themselves.

Be Bold

Opportunity waits just outside your comfort zone.
We do things others won't. We take risks. We try new things. We bet on ourselves and we double down.

OUR team

Peter Hauck

Peter Hauck

Founder & "Business Guy"

Thomas Son

Alicen Hauck

Founder & Industry Expert